Lunchtime Concert

Trinity Laban Pianists

THU 7 OCT / 13.05


Patryk Frac, Piano

J S Bach Italian Concerto, BWV 971
I. Allegro
II. Andante
III. Presto

Chopin Barcarolle, op. 60

Celia Margalef Boquera, Piano

J. S. Bach Partita No. 6, BWV 830
I. Toccata
II. Allemande
III. Corrente
IV. Air
V. Sarabande
VI. Tempo di gavotte
VII. Gigue

Patryk Frac was born on the 13th of December 1997 in Bochnia, Poland. He began his musical education in 2004 in the National School of Music in Bochnia under Mrs Teresa Fyda’s tuition. After completing the ‘First Stage’ School in June 2010 with one of the highest marks he moved to England. Later that year he received a free place in the PianoMan scholarship scheme and started to take lessons from London based international concert pianist Richard Meyrick. Since then he has taken part in the residential courses organised by Richard, where he had a chance to play with respected Russian musicians, as well as meet and take lessons from some of the best pianists including Gabriele Baldocci, David Malusa or Maria Nemcova. At this time Patryk was also being regularly offered performance opportunities from the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham, notably the “Live at Lunch” concert series twice. For a culmination of his time in PianoMan, Patryk made his orchestral debut in 2016 playing Liszt’s Piano Concerto No. 1. In 2020 Patryk completed Bachelor studies at one of the UK’s leading conservatories - the Royal College of Music in London with professor Neil Immelman. Currently Patryk is a Beverley Creed Scholarship holder at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London, studying his second year with Gabriele Baldocci. Aside of performing, Patryk has a huge interest in composition (which he studied for 2 years with Haris Kitos in RCM), organ music and jazz.

Celia Margalef Boquera (15 April 1998) is a Spanish pianist and musician. Margalef started playing the piano at the age of 6 with Professor Christiane Leruth. At 16, Margalef continued her studies at El Conservatori de Música de Vila-seca with Professor Jordi López. In 2016, Margalef finished the Intermediate Level with honours and succeeded on getting the second and third positions on the entrance exams at El Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu and L’Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, respectively. Margalef decided to study her Bachelor in Piano Interpretation at El Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu under the guidance of professor Tensy Krismant. Margalef got the Ferrer-Salat Scholarship for two years during her studies in the city of Barcelona. In September 2020, Margalef started the Masters of Music at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance with Professor Mikhail Kazakevich. Margalef was awarded with the Trinity College London Scholarship and the Trinity Laban Scholarship for the academic year 202021, and the Arthur Haynes Scholarship and the Trinity Laban Scholarship for the academic year 202122. Margalef is particularly interested in baroque music and chamber music.

St Alfege Church / FREE

Dates and times

This event finished on 07 October 2021.

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