Gold Medal Showcase 2022

WED 26 JAN 19.00h

Emma Arizza Strings
Olivia Bell Voice
Lucy Brindle Musical Theatre
Giordano Buondonno Piano
Nneka Cummins Composition
Lindsey Eastham Wind, Brass & Percussion
Tom Morley Jazz

Witness seven outstanding young artists as they compete for Trinity Laban’s most prestigious prize – the Gold Medal.

Nominated by the Heads of Departments for their high level of creativity and musicianship, the Gold Medal Showcase sees young artists demonstrating the diverse musical talent from Trinity Laban.

Expect a mix of jazz, classical and contemporary music as these rising stars perform at the brink of promising careers.

Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG
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This event finished on 26 January 2022.

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