Lunchtime Concert: Celia Margalef Boqeura, solo piano

TUE 15 NOV 13.05

Take time out this lunchtime for a performance by Trinity Laban pianist Celia Margalef Boquera in the beautiful surroundings of the Old Royal Naval College Chapel.

J.S. Bach
Prelude and Fugue in G sharp minor (WTC, Book II, No. 18), BWV 887

R. Schumann
Piano Sonata No. 1 in F sharp minor, Op. 11
I. Un poco adagio - Allegro vivace

F. Mompou
I. Pour endormir la souffrance
II. Pour pénétrer les âmes
III. Pour inspirer l'amour
IV. Pour les guérisons
V. Pour évoquer l'image du passé
VI. Pour appeler la joie

Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Now Comes the Gentiles’ Saviour), BWV 659

Bach/Egon Petri
Schafe können sicher weiden (Sheep May Safely Graze), BWV 208

Celia Margalef Boquera (15 April 1998) is a Catalan pianist and musician. Margalef started playing the piano at the age of 6 with Professor Christiane Leruth. At 16, Margalef continued her studies at El Conservatori de Música de Vila-seca with Professor Jordi López. In 2016, Margalef finished the Intermediate Level with honours and succeeded on getting the second and third positions on the entrance exams at El Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu and L’Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, respectively. Margalef decided to study her Bachelor in Piano Interpretation at El Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu under the guidance of professor Tensy Krismant. Margalef got the Ferrer-Salat Scholarship for two years during her studies in the city of Barcelona. In September 2020, Margalef started the Masters of Music at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance with Professor Mikhail Kazakevich. Margalef was awarded with the Trinity College London Scholarship and the Trinity Laban Scholarship for the academic year 2020/21, and the Arthur Haynes Scholarship and the Trinity Laban Scholarship for the academic year 2021/22. In December 2021, Margalef was awarded the Cardnell Piano Prize.

Old Royal Naval College Chapel
Admission free, no ticket required

Dates and times

This event finished on 15 November 2022.

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